March Family Fun Night Registration

Wed. March 26, 6-8pm | Family Fun Night. Keeping families connected. Families coming together, learn and have fun. We will have dinner, movie, VBS decoration crafts, Bible buddies coloring sheet and more. An adult must stay.
Child(ren) Information

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Parent Information

Photo Release

Please select one option.

We love providing food, crafts and supplies for our children's events. Many parents have asked to provide an online donation button. 

Donating is NOT required! Payment is NOT needed for your child to attend any Wednesday children's events. We are providing this as a request by some parents.

If you would like to make a donation, enter the amount below and it will give you an option to pay with a credit card.


Wed. March 26, 6-8pm
Family Fun Night. Keeping families connected. Families coming together, learn and have fun. We will have dinner, movie, VBS decoration crafts, Bible buddies coloring sheet and more. An adult must stay.